204-837-7330 | Only at 953 St. James St.

    Hybrid Mattresses

    "Hybrid mattress" is one of the most Googled terms in the mattress industry, clear evidence of the effectiveness of national advertising. The term itself was coined by Tempurpedic after acquiring Sealy. For two decades, the all-foam mattress company's mantra was "coils bad." However, after purchasing a coil mattress company, they could no longer maintain that stance. So, they changed the terminology: they no longer sold "coil mattresses"; they sold "hybrids."

    This brings us to the present understanding of the term: a hybrid mattress combines coils with foam. This concept might sound familiar because it describes a traditional mattress.

    However, the current understanding of the term often implies coils combined with high-grade foam. Best Sleep offers the highest quality "hybrid" mattresses at the lowest prices.

    Regardless of firmness or price point, if "hybrid" is what you're searching for, Best Sleep and Restonic Mattress, along with Best Sleep's own brands, offer better quality and lower prices than other retailers who may try to convince you that this "hybrid" concept is a recent innovation.

    Call us at 1-800-383-7755 or 204-837-7330 with any questions, or chat for more information. Visit our Best Sleep Super Centre at 953 St. James Street, Winnipeg. Financing available.

    Copper Firm Hybrid
