Whether you call them Murphy Beds, Hidden Beds, Cabinet Beds, or Wall Beds, we have the most options in-stock of high quality, space saving furniture in Winnipeg, for pickup or delivery.
Hardwood construction, 10-YEAR WARRANTY, space-saving, hidden beds available for immediate pickup or delivery anywhere in Canada.
And please do some homework and compare. The price in the USA for the same product is 60% higher. Why? The Canadian distributor we worked with for 20 years went under. We bought everything he had. When these are sold out, we too will have to buy from the US distributor, and our price will have to go up to theirs.
If you want a Murphy Bed, NOW IS THE TIME!!! I keep my ear to the ground for you, and this is what's going on in my business now. We deliver & install anywhere in Canada for far less than free.
Buy Online or visit our Sleep Super Centre at 953 St. James Street, Winnipeg. Call 1-800-383-7755 or 204-837-7330 or chat for more information.