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    The Most Important Question!

    by David Keam

    David Keam, President of the Best Sleep would like you to take a minute to listen to his video on the 'Most Important Question' any Mattresses Sales Person can ask you.


    "Let's face it we're not really comfortable asking anyone, especially a female customer, what they weigh! Yet this is probably the most important question to consider when buying you are buying new mattress. So let's get real!

    We specialize in building beds for larger customers and if we can build a bed for someone who weighs 525 lbs. like we did for our friend Hal Anderson many years ago when we created the Hal Anderson bed well we can do it for people who weigh less and uh, you know, we've done a lot of that so we have beds in here that are designed for people who are 500 lbs., 400 lbs., 300 lbs., and 110 lbs. but the question how much do you weigh is the same thing that you should expect when you go in to see a tailor and they take out a tape measure and they measure your shoulders.

    If I’m going to tailor your suit or dress and I don't properly measure your shoulders and your hips then I’m just winging it...aren't I? There are better materials available for larger people. The simple matter is this..., I have people in my store every day who spent $1000, $2000, $3000 up and down the street and they were sold products that didn't have the material in the bed that actually worked for the customer standing in front of me.

    If you weigh 260 lbs. or 350 lbs. you need at least one to two inches of latex  (tree sap rubber like a car tire). The material weighs four lbs. per cubic foot and it is what you need when you're not 120 lbs. soaking wet. Now if you happen to be in the category where the partner's 120 lbs. and the other partner's 260 lbs. you definitely need latex in your mattress so that that person doesn't realize every movement that you make so something you might be interested in would have 2,000 or 3,000 or 5,000 coils in it and no latex or some latex or just you know even 1,000 coils with latex the more you can afford the better the bed will be and the longer it'll last and the less it'll actually cost in the long run.

    How much do you weigh? It's probably the most important question your salesperson can ask you and if you're a female, I am sorry that's just the way it is. So be aware, we will probably ask you this shortly after you walk in the door at Best Sleep Centre.


    David Keam
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