My job is to be your buyer. I need to buy the right products at the right prices to sell them to you for less than Sleeping Beauty. Every once in a while, they send people into our store to find out why we take so many sales from them, and sometimes we send people into their stores to see how much lower our prices are. We also communicate with them via chat.
The Dormeo split-head king mattress is $4,500.00 with tax after all the boxing week discounts, and the base is $2,017.80. It's made in China and has no massage or other features. It's a split head, up/down foot, remote with flat.
We had a couple of ladies in this weekend who had owned a Dormeo mattress for about seven years and needed to replace it. We also had a couple who bought a Dormeo topper and asked to return it after one week. They were told to destroy it to receive a full refund. They wondered, "What can that thing be worth if they just say destroy it?" They paid $600.00 for the topper.
A customer who was replacing their Dormeo split-head king mattress after only about seven years bought a Cancun for 60% of the price. This mattress is expected to last 1.5 times longer than their Dormeo did.
Another customer of ours came in needing a new bed. They had spent a good amount of money in our store 7.5 years ago and weren't asking for anything, but their all-foam mattress of mine didn't last as long as I thought it should. I gave them $700.00 in thank-you gifts for coming back and acknowledging that they had worn out their mattress, even though I still thought it should have lasted longer. I thanked them for returning and being understanding.
Those are the three things that happened to me this week.