204-837-7330 | Only at 953 St. James St.

    Restonic Box Springs NEVER Squeak!

    by Jason Redekopp


    Our Restonic Box Springs NEVER squeak! How is that possible you ask? It’s because our manufacturer only uses Hurriquake nails, the invention of the year by Stanley-Bostitch several years ago. They are designed to build houses in hurricane areas and will hold a piece of plywood on a house in 120 mile/hour winds.

    Stanley Bostitch HurriQuake Nail – Deconstructing Product Design

    Stanley-Bostich’s Hurriquake nail incorporates features that enhance its ability to resist both the side-to-side shearing action of earthquakes and the uplift caused by high winds during hurricanes.  

    They're ring-shanked and twist when you drive them in, holding everything tight. You would break the wood before the nail comes out!

    Read More: Do I need a new box spring for my mattress?

    Check out more buying Tips 'n Topics by David Keam.


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