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    Natural vs Organic Mattresses

    by David Keam

    Natural vs. Organic Mattresses

    About six years ago Best Sleep Centre brought in a line of Organic latex mattresses from California.

    Why California you ask; well that's where these things get made, and at the time Organic in its pure form came from there.

    The prices were high the actual sleeping comfort of the mattresses was not to my liking or to the customers and the people who thought they wanted them did not want to spend the dollars needed to buy their desires.

    They were expensive.

    We gave the line up about a year later, and I have been searching for a comparable more comfortable less expensive product ever since.

    Nearly a year ago Spinks And Edgar: Grown in England; made in America, Farm to Bedroom Natural mattresses, was at the Las Vegas Furniture Market. 

    I had an intelligent conversation with a smart person.

    We discussed the fact that natural mattresses with No Foam and filled with Hemp and Flax and Cotton And Egyptian cotton and 3000 to 13000 pocket coils were quite properly priced in comparison to Organic Mattresses and other Natural mattress lines.

    Most people who want an organic mattress are trying to avoid VOC’s found in foam.

    Eliminating the foam, the most expensive part of a quality mattress and replacing it with Farm to Bedroom quality ingredients and you get a mattress with No VOC's from foam, and you also don't get the prices associated with the word organic when attached to a mattress.

    Many a high-end foam based mattress like Tempur-pedic is in the 3 to 8 thousand dollar range for a quality King.

    Many a simply constructed organic latex foam mattress is in the 4 to 8 thousand dollar range in a queen.

    Organic Latex with few binders because you can't have NO binders; it acts as an unset pancake and continues to expand during its entire lifespan.

    This changes the feel and is a quality issue with Organic Mattresses.

    Natural no foam Farm to Bedroom Spink and Edgar mattresses will last many years longer than any Viscous foam or Latex foam mattress and in the end, will cost less than a regular mattress.

    If you have foam allergies or just want to stay as far away for VOC's from foam as possible and don't want to pay a considerable premium for the word organic, try Natural.

    A 100-year-old way of doing things brought forward and into the future.

    Come to Best Sleep Centre at 953 St James, and we will gladly show you this Natural Mattress sleeping product.

    David Keam,

    Best Sleep Centre Inc.

    Visit 953 St. James St. or Call 1-800-383-7755