204-837-7330 | Only at 953 St. James St.

Amish Furniture - Art you live with!

by David Keam

Amish-made furniture is known for its quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, and durability.

The Amish are a hard working group that follows a traditional way of life, which includes using hand tools and techniques passed down through generations to make the very best furniture money can buy. This approach results in pieces that are built to last and retain their value over a lifetime.

One of the hallmarks of Amish-made furniture is the use of solid wood. The Amish typically use hardwoods such as oak, cherry, maple, and walnut, which are strong, durable, and resistant to damage. Unlike cheaper furniture made from particleboard or other engineered materials, Amish-made furniture is built to withstand everyday use and last for generations.

Another important factor contributing to the quality of Amish-made furniture is the attention to detail. Amish craftsmen take pride in their work and pay close attention to every aspect of the furniture-making process, from selecting the wood or the mechanisms, to the final stain finish. They use traditional joinery techniques, such as dovetail and mortise-and-tenon joints, which provide extra strength and durability.

In addition to the quality of the materials and craftsmanship, Amish-made furniture can be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of the customer. Amish craftsmen are known for their willingness to work closely with customers to create pieces that are tailored to their individual style and needs. This level of customization ensures that each piece of furniture is unique and of the highest quality.

Overall, the quality of Amish-made furniture is unparalleled. With its attention to detail, use of solid wood, and customization options, it's no wonder that Amish-made furniture is highly sought after by those who value quality and durability in their furniture.

Whether you're looking for a sturdy dining table, a comfortable rocking chair, outdoor furniture made of recycled milk jugs or a beautiful bedroom set, Amish-made furniture is sure to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Visit our Amish showroom at 955 St. James St. in Winnipeg. Call (204) 837-7330.


“Art you live with”